Relationship Assessment Interpretation
Your Total Score:
What Does This Mean?
These statements, aimed at identifying the communication and conflict-management patterns that predict trouble in a relationship, are based on fifteen years of research completed at the University of Denver. Dr. Scott Stanley and Dr. Howard Markman conducted a nationwide, random phone survey using these statements. The average score was 11; higher scores mean your relationship may be in even greater danger.
Green Light: Score of 8–12
If you scored in the 8–12 range, your relationship is probably in good or even great shape at this time. I emphasize “at this time” because relationships never stand still. In the next twelve months, you’ll have either a stronger, happier relationship or one sliding in the other direction. If you scored in this range, think of it as a green light for now and keep moving forward to make your relationship all it can be.
Yellow Light: Score of 13–17
If you scored in the 13–17 range, think of it as a yellow caution light. While you may feel happy in your relationship, your score reveals warning signs, pointing to patterns you don’t want to get worse. You ought to take action to protect and improve what you have. Spending time to strengthen your relationship now could be the best thing you could do for your future together.
Red Light: Score of 18–24
If you scored in the 18–24 range, think of it as a red light. Stop and look at where the two of you are headed. Your score indicates the presence of patterns that could put your relationship at significant risk. You may be heading for trouble—or perhaps you’re already there. But there is good news! You can stop now and learn ways to improve your relationship. If your dream is turning into a nightmare, don’t just pull the sheets over your head. Wake up and take action!